XC Schooling
There is a private barn about 15 minutes from me whose owner does a lot with Mustangs and is friends with my trainer. She is slowly building out a full LL XC course and currently has a mix of jumps from intro - BN, a bank complex, a baby ditch, and a full working equitation course. All of this alongside trails, and an all-weather outdoor arena!!! Sunday was the second time we have gone out there this year, and I got to say - it is great!!! Such a good boy This weekend I was actually early - SHOCKING!!! So I took my time getting Uno ready. I got some Le Mieux ankle boots (for FREE!!!!!) that we are trying in the back, along side a pair of small pull-on bell boots that are the very flexible gum kind. Uno is barefoot, and we don't jump big, so his leg protection needs are minimal. However, since we did our Adaquan round he has really been reaching with his hind legs and has bruised his heels a few times. He is also close behind an...