Meet Riker! |
The last week in July always feels like dieing. School starts back up and uses all my brain power. The weather is crap - either 100 degrees or pouring down rain. Dutch is allergic to the world this time of year. And my husband works eleventy hundred hours. And we got a puppy, who while cute is still at the fuck ton of work stage.
Walking puppies in the mud. |
This is what we spend our days doing now. |
Ok pity party over, my ability to handle any issue with grace is severely compromised. So while I have had great quiet personal rides where I accept calm and forward as good enough, our lesson where we also needed to be straight, responsive, and balanced was a shit show - from both of us. I was holding too much in a negative way and Uno was responding to any cues from the leg by picking a direction to hurl his body. So we fought, cussed, hit a few trees, and gave up and let magic trainer get on. Who kicked his ass for his "questionable" decision making, while also very calmly telling me that if I do not learn to let go of my inside fricking rein Uno will have every right to dump my behind.
8 out of 10 days of rain... why |
How fun!
If only he would eat the yummy grass his ribs would go AWAY! |
Rain makes for green pasture! |
But seriously, I think it in the best interest that when the work is hard for both of us, we don't do it while I have negative brain function. So I just bit the bullet and am letting trainer do his dressage rides for the next 2 weeks until I get my brain and emotions back in order.
More of this for now. |
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