The most OK-est
In order to try and have some sort of confidence going into the show, I have attempted some stuff at home. Tuesday was not a success day of - I rated it an 80% after. We did most of the things, but I felt scared and a bit shit. I ended up lunging him mid-ride over a single jump on the right lead. And he kept landing all over the place and then lead swapping and then bucking himself right. I was really worried that he was sore somewhere after our lesson, so he has been on Previcox this week and I was really thinking it was going to make a difference for Tuesday. Nope, but bucking his way over the jump 5 - 10 times seemed to work out whatever was bothering him.
After that I set up multiple oxers - normally shit my pants jumps. I just stared at them yesterday and planned on staring at them again today, but I actually found my big bitch panties and jumped around today.
These are not big, 2'2" -3" ish. But let us not pretend the real struggles isn't my brain.
Uno warmed up super pissy - the bugs were bad, he did not want to stretch, halting was the worst thing EVER! I honestly popped over the barrels in an attempt to appease the snorty stompy dragon. I just trotted in after the advice from my lesson - surprise surprise - he was perfect. He cantered off and woahed very softly in a straight line. He still did not want to dressage - so we just jumped around trotting and cantering all the jumps. I pulled him to a stop at the first attempt at the oxer above. We had a moment where I felt if I put my leg he would have gone - and I pulled instead. BUT I came back around and clucked at the base and he just popped it. I even jumped the 2'4" (or 2'6" I cannot remember) cross country gate my husband built when I still had dreams of BN. Everything was smooth and easy.Uno gave once bounce-y lead change, where he swapped front and back for no reason whatsoever, but other than that he was GREAT! We then went back to dressage and played with our trot-walk-trot transitions and our medium and free walk transitions. I was so happy with him - the bugs were making him very pissy, but he worked so hard for me.
After this I am just planning on hacking until the show. Fingers crossed I show up to the show with at least an OK mentality. Uno is certainly capable.
Idk what it is about a 2’3 oxer but some of my worst moments of panic have happened over that exact jump. I guess maybe bc that’s kinda where it “gets real” since most horses are gonna properly get airborne over it? Idk. Good luck at the show tho, you guys definitely got this !