What do??

So our local (less than 2 hours away) horse park is starting their Pipe Opener series next weekend and I am not certain what to enter.  Last year we did Green as Grass divisions and ended the year with our first unrecognized HT.  

So ditches are still an issue, but I was super pleased with our 2nd.

Uno has a checkered relationship with cantering in the arena.  Sometimes he is great, sometimes any cantering means always cantering - ALWAYS.  This is not a problem when we are in a field or in the jump arena.  As a scaredy cat rider who is slowly mentally recovering from 2 really bad falls and years of no jumping since, I have been really nervous to enter any division that involves cantering. 

He is always great in fields or on the trail!

The jump height is also a bigger jump than any other move up.  We will go from 18" to 2'3."  I am less worried about that as our jumps at home are often set to 2'3" to 2'6."  

So do I enter the Maiden and really see where we are or do I enter the Green as Grass and go have fun?


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