Aging is not for the faint of heart...
It should be pretty well understood that I am a very amature amature. Yes, I have a lot of experience in horse care and grooming, but all my riding experience is pretty much stalled out at the - I used to be younger, fitter, and in MUCH better mental health.
I am working on the mental health, which should hopefully also follow over slowly to the physical, but dude being middle aged (ish) is hard. I was looking through the videos and still of my dressage tests and my position is total shit. I am up out of the saddle a lot, and my shoulders are pretty permanently forward.
I do not have the funds for weekly lessons, nor do I have mirrors or cameras at home. I mainly ride alone on the road or in fields. I have really been focusing on my posture and fitness out of the saddle. I am trying to get more steps in each day, and keep my shoulders back and chest up at my desk. But man this was easier when I was younger and less hurty.
How do you get better at something when 90% of the time - you are not practicing that thing? I know I have to give myself some grace here, but I also need to hold myself accountable to improve. I also know that Uno HATES drills and repetition. So finding a good balance between making me a better fitter rider and keeping us both sane is key.
There are ways!!! I found using a postural device while working 8 hours in a chair helps a lot for my 1 hour in the saddle versus the other way around. I also changed up my computer chair for a saddle shaped one to work on my hip angle while also working.