A Hurricane?? and getting back into a schedule


Work has been intense and I have getting home later and later.  The silver lining here is that I get these beautiful sunsets on my drive home.

Uno and I have gotten back into a schedule, he has been spicy (probably due to the temp drop) but moving so well and trying so hard.  My current plan is to ride him M W F and S S.  At least 2 of those rides need to be long hacks.  Yesterday I rode Dutch and lunged Uno so he could pop over some jumps on the lunge.  I have not been cleared to jump for real, but I set up 2 little cross rails in our jump field so that I could at least trot some jumps and work on my hands and comfort.

Dutch has been doing much better with the drop in weather and the decreased pasture time.  He is still pretty intolerant of ridden work.  He ponies out well (as far as his breathing goes - it is still like holding on to a kite), and he lunges at the trot for small limited sessions once a week.  Riding he still breathes much harder than in either other exercise, so I usually just climb on once a week and wander around the farm. It may just be really simple things but it makes him SO happy, and it helps his appetite.

Hurricane Ian was pretty much a non issue, we tarped one side of the aisle where us usually have the most wind, and the horses were in for about 24 hours.  It was wet and a bit cold, but otherwise just and excuse to snuggle in and have a quiet few days.  I actually worked both horses on Friday, and rode Uno on Saturday, it was that minor.

Happy snuggly boys happily munching hay and treating inside.  I love having the camera, I do not feel like I need to run out there every hour when the weather is bad; I can just look on my phone to see their behavior and hay amounts.


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