A collection of canters

Dressage schooling

Actually getting his canter and not falling over. 2018.

Poll high, hind end under himself, soft reins. 2020.
For a horse that has ALWAYS struggled with cantering in contained spaces - he only cantered on the hunt field, not even in turnout, for like a whole year as a 4 year old - this is such a great image to see!!  There is SO much to love about the 2nd pic, but my biggest <3 is the smoothness of his topline here.  Notice the lack of divot at the base of this neck.  The smooth line of his lower back.  There is just so much softness here. 

Pointed at jumps.

Our 2nd HT in 2018.

Our last HT in 2019.

This weekend - 2020.
The big change is his use of his hind end and his ability to lift in the front.  Look at the reach behind and the lift in the front.  Again, look at the lift just behind the saddle and compare that to last year's picture.  I know it is a different time in the stride, but the muscle tone and engagement of his lifting muscles in his core, back, and neck are clearly improved. That is some quality progress.  It is a slow process, but even Go-Ponies and become Dressage-ponies.


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